Details: day to day maintenance of water supply distribution to colony & office including, excavation for removal of damaged pipes, replacing the same with new one including cutting, treading, rejointing with collars, refilling the pipe line trenches, removal of the damaged pipes from the walls of quarters including boring in walls, removing the damaged portion of pipes rethreading, reconnecting with new pipes/collars etc., as per site condition, redoing the damaged wall portion etc., complete. transportation of materials from departmental store to work spot & returning the surplus material to stores etc., complete as directed by engineer-in-charges.;daily valve operation for regular smooth and timely water distribution in the ganeshgudi colony as per time schedule,monitoring the storage tank loading watching the over all distribution system and any other works connected to water supply system as directed by engineer in charge.;daily pump operation of pumps in 3 shifts at water treatment plant
Sector: Generation