Details: foodgrains received dispatched fromrailhead/godowns including transport. for unloading food grain bags fromwagons /trucks, any transport vehicles &stacking the bags in the shed on the platform/ground or vice-versa as per clausexx , part–i-1(a)rs.69.00 rs.139.00 rs.208.00(b) for unloading bags of food grains fromwagon/trucks or any other transportvehicles &directly loading them intowagons/trucks after stacking the bagswherever necessary in the shed /on theplatform/ground as per clause , part-i1(b)rs. 139.00 rs. 278.00 rs.418.002. for transporting food grains bags to andfrom railheads to the following godownsas mentioned in clause – xix, part-i(2)
Sector: Logistics and warehouses