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Vendor Registration and Online Bid Submission in CPWD

An overview of the CPWD vendor registration process is provided herein. Specifically, information about the various registration classes, fees to be paid and the registration duration is provided. In addition, an overview of the vendor registration and the electronic bid submission process in the CPWD e-Tendering portal is provided.

Online Contract Management and Electronic Bank Guarantee in the KPPP Portal

As a pioneer in implementing the e-GP system in India, the government of Karnataka has taken the initiative to expedite the adoption of contract management and electronic bank guarantee. An overview of the initiative taken up by the government is provided herein.

e-Payment of Tender Fees and Contract Award Data Publication in the Assam e-Tendering system

The bidders seeking to participate in tenders published in the Assam e-Tendering system are required to pay a fee of 0.02% of the estimated value of the tender capped at INR 20,000 for tenders up to INR 50 Crores. For tenders with an estimated value exceeding INR 50 crores, tender processing fees is computed at 0.02% with an upper cap of INR 30,000. In an effort to enhance transparency, the government of Assam issued an official memorandum dated 5th May 2018, mandating all agencies using the e-Tendering system to upload their contract documents online at https://assamtenders.gov.in/ within 30 days of the contract award

Incentives for MSMEs to participate in government procurement in Maharashtra state

The government agencies in Maharashtra are restricted to purchase a specified list of 241 products from MSMEs. Further, MSMEs are exempted from paying tender form fee and Earnest Money deposit, while participating in government tenders

Best Practices for Online Bid Submission in e-Tendering system

Best practices to ensure timely bid submission in e-Tendering systems. The government agencies in India publish 15000 - 25000 tenders online each day. Towards the end of the year (i.e., January - March), the number of tenders published increases to 20,000+ tenders a day. Most of the tenders published by the government are online tenders or e-Tenders
