Displaying latest Agar District Malwa tenders

Search District Agar Malwa tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the District Agar Malwa. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on Agar District Malwa tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the District Agar Malwa and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range. Tendersniper consolidates online tenders, e Tenders, Expression of Interest, Request for Quotation, and Manual tender notice published by District Agar Malwa in the various e-Procurement portals in India.

Related alerts: stationery Tenders | event management Tenders | catering Tenders

Latest Agar District Malwa Tenders

72542113: For the financial year 2023-24 (from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024) stationery for use in the office as listed below

Due Date: 19-May-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024

35302970: Stationery/stationery tender

Due Date: 21-Jun-2021  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024

53452619: Tender invited for purchase of stationery for use in office

Due Date: 13-May-2022  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024
To get unlimited access to Agar District Malwa tenders   Register

32040075: Tender invited for videography work of important events in general elections of local bodies.

Due Date: 07-Apr-2021  Location: Agar
Category : Videography services
Updated : 19-May-2024

36955093: Tender invited for purchase of stationery for use in collector's office for the financial year 2021-22

Due Date: 19-Jul-2021  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024

82893591: Tender for Arrangement of food and snacks for the election workers of Agar Malwa district under the Assembly Elections 2023.

Due Date: 16-Oct-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Catering
Updated : 19-May-2024

76874395: Tender for installation of light mike canopy during assembly election 2023

Due Date: 17-Jul-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Pendal Work
Updated : 19-May-2024

74954733: Stationery Second Tender Terms

Due Date: 30-Jun-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest Agar District Malwa tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Agar District Malwa  in your email.

74954732: PPP Tenders for the selection of private operators under the model

Due Date: 30-Jun-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Civil Construction
Updated : 19-May-2024

76874397: Tender for election stationery

Due Date: 19-Jul-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Stationery
Updated : 19-May-2024

45141356: Notice inviting tender for preparation of voter photo identity card

Due Date: 09-Dec-2021  Location: Agar
Category : Identity Cards
Updated : 19-May-2024

78706573: Tender for food and snacks arrangements for election workers

Due Date: 11-Aug-2023  Location: Agar
Category : Light Food Arrangement
Updated : 19-May-2024