Search Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society tenders

Search Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on AIWTDS tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range. Tendersniper consolidates online tenders, e Tenders, Expression of Interest, Request for Quotation, and Manual tender notice published by Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society in the various e-Procurement portals in India.

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Latest AIWTDS Tenders

30178775: Request for Proposal for Hiring of Statuatory Auditor

Due Date: 19-Apr-2021   Value ₹: 2.55 Lakh
Category : Statutory audit
Updated : 19-May-2024

25773907: Request for Proposal Engaging Chartered Accounting Firm for Internal Audit of Assam IWTD Society for FY 2020-21 and 2021-22

Due Date: 17-Dec-2020
Category : Ca Firm and Internal Audit
Updated : 19-May-2024

21261481: Appointment of Creative Multimedia Advertising Agency for Content Development and Management of Communication Materials (Audio, Print and Audio-Visual Materials) for the Transport Department and Inland Water Transport Department, Government of Assam

Due Date: 28-Jul-2020   Value ₹: 49.31 Lakh
Category : Advertising agency services
Updated : 19-May-2024
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Due Date: 05-Sep-2019   Value ₹: 5.7 Crore
Category : Boat Operation
Updated : 19-May-2024

23064931: Hiring of services of Non Governmental Organization (NGO) for assisting in implementation of Jibondinga Scheme under AIWT Project

Due Date: 22-Oct-2020   Value ₹: 11.93 Lakh
Category : Quality Control Certification
Updated : 19-May-2024

13121878: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 4(four) nos. of type approved Marine Diesel Engines coupled with Compatible Gear Box for repowering of existing 2(two) vessels of IWT Assam under IWT Division, Guwahati

Due Date: 30-Jul-2019   Value ₹: 47.0 Lakh
Category : Marine engines
Updated : 19-May-2024

14655649: Procurement of SOLAS compliant Life Jackets and Life Buoys

Due Date: 20-Sep-2019   Value ₹: 13.8 Crore
Category : Safety apparel
Updated : 19-May-2024


Due Date: 09-Dec-2020
Category : Technical Manpower
Updated : 19-May-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest AIWTDS tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society  in your email.

34958529: RFP for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) along with Engineering Design, Drawings, Tender Documents for Construction of Modular Terminal at Ferry Services of NW-2 and NW-16 in Assam.

Due Date: 30-Jun-2021
Category : Harbour Consultancy
Updated : 19-May-2024

19391633: Restructuring and renovation of vessel PT Godapani under IWT Directorate HQ

Due Date: 11-Mar-2020   Value ₹: 59.45 Lakh
Category : Road Repair
Updated : 19-May-2024


Due Date: 27-Apr-2021   Value ₹: 6.15 Crore
Category : Ship Repair
Updated : 19-May-2024

15553830: Procurement of 3 Nos.7.5 Tonnes Static Ahead Bollard pull Tug boat

Due Date: 31-Oct-2019   Value ₹: 19.5 Crore
Category : Tug Boats
Updated : 19-May-2024

13472711: Procurement of 1111 units Marine Engines, Reversible Gearbox and

Due Date: 06-Sep-2019   Value ₹: 84.0 Crore
Category : Naval Spares
Updated : 19-May-2024

15991274: Construction of 25 nos of 17 m long steel floating terminals for 25 ghat banks on the river Bharmaputra

Due Date: 25-Nov-2019   Value ₹: 10.68 Crore
Category : Jetty Construction
Updated : 19-May-2024
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11004153: Request for Quotation for Aerail Drone Survey of Assam Inland Water Transport Project

Due Date: 18-Apr-2019   Value ₹: 9.0 Lakh
Category : Drone Survey
Updated : 19-May-2024

13121881: Supply of Manover Board Boat for Assam IWT Vessels

Due Date: 05-Sep-2019   Value ₹: 60.0 Lakh
Category : Rescue Ships
Updated : 19-May-2024

23761435: megha phone - loud hailer

Due Date: 17-Sep-2020
Category : Megaphones
Updated : 19-May-2024

23320708: Engagement of Insurer for Insurance of passengers (personal accident policy), and damage/loss of wooden boat hull and propulsion system and small cargo of passengers under Jibodinga Scheme of Assam IWT Project under 2(Two)packages

Due Date: 31-Oct-2020   Value ₹: 8.13 Crore
Category : Insurance Brokers
Updated : 19-May-2024

25193124: pabx system-EPABX

Due Date: 21-Nov-2020
Category : EPABX Repair
Updated : 19-May-2024

18116019: Filming the Assam Inland Water Transport- History, Transition and its future

Due Date: 10-Feb-2020   Value ₹: 20.0 Lakh
Category : Film Production Services
Updated : 19-May-2024