Details: air oven with digital indicatorspecifcaton: working size 90 x 60 x 60 cm ( h 6 w 6 d), outer chamber crc - powder coated, nnnerchamber of s.s.304 - mirror polished, sealed and enclosed heaters to working chamber for minimumheat loss. temp. range 50°c to 250°c. auto tune pnd digital indicator controller. operaton on220/230v ac single phase including installaton.2.unconfned compression test apparatus(as per ns): motorised complete with proving ring 2k anddial gauges , load frame 50 k including installaton and commissioning.3.proving ring,2k ,5k &10k (1no each) with calibraton certfcate.4.dial gauge,0.01mm (5 nos), 25mm travel with necessary fings.5.heavy compacton apparatus:compacton test apparatus made of mild steel having capacity of 1000c.c with an internal diameter of 100 ±0.1 mm and an internal efectve height of 127.3 cm ± 0.1 mm.themould shall be fied witha detachable base plate and removable e6tension collar appro6imately 60 mmhigh. the internal surface of the mould shall
Sector: University