Details: 1. technical specification for a3 size colour multifunctional printerparametertechnical specificationcompliance yes/noprint/copy speed - mono & color28ppmsizea3,12x47control panel7" color touchram6gb with 8gb microsdssdzoom256gb (optional)25% to 400%trays500 sheets x 2 traybypass tray100 sheets9999 sheetsmultiple copy600x600dpiresolutionwindows, linux, macsupported osusb, network, mobile print, nfcinterfaceduplexyesdocument feederyes (optional)scan speedcolor scanyes55 spmscan to usb &yesprint from usbdeviation if any. 2. technical specification for 10kv upstechnical specification10 kva online ups 4 hours backup micro-controller design, three phase in - single phase out, high frequency switching double conversion pwm igbt technology with built-in galvanic isolation, pure sine wave output less than 3% thd, generator compatibility, lcd with control panel, emi/fi noise filter, advancedcompatibility, advanced communication-rs232.deviation if any3. technical specification f
Sector: University