Details: rema-40 actuator no.parameter1typo of actuator2.type of servo controller13fin deflection4speed at rated 40n-m load5no load speed6.handwidth with 2.5 deg amplitude in null position7.8maximum dead zoue and backlash at findamping coefficient10.command voltage11.position feed backhinge force acting at yo specified from actuator topspecificationrotary electro mechanicalintegrated analog controller+25 deg,+1,-1 deg200 ± 20 deg/s2360 deg/s30 hz+21hz at -90° lag or adh500 kgf< 0.25 deg0.40+10 v ±26 deg+10 v ±26 deg12curent feedback+10 v » 14 amp13.position accuracyas per qtat doc14.power supply available for each actuator55 v, envelope (actuator with inbuilt controller)as per drawing16weight of the agmatoras per qtat doc17environmental specificationas per qtat doc
Sector: Defense