Details: following 5 yearly routine along with six monthly and part of yearly routines of fm-200 system are to be carried out. list of jobs are as follows:- (a) fm-200 and nitrogen cylinder and flexible hose hydrostatic pressure test including serving and pressure testing of bottle head assembly and functional checks of non return valve / pilot lines. (b) floor and mounting platform level of fm-200 cylinder checks for leveling to be checked and repair as required. (c) remove nozzle from piping to allow foreign materials to clear. (d) remove all pressure operated control from fm 200 cylinders. (e) open distribution valve and keep open long enough cleanliness of pipe. (f) reconnect all control heads. (g) overhaul the control system, monitoring system and fire detection system. (h) out distribution piping with nitrogen to ensure cleanliness of pipe. (j) clean discharge nozzle.
Sector: Defense