Details: hull 1 dry docking dry docking of the boat to be carried out for underwater work package weeks 2 2 upper deck painting worn off. entire upper deck surface to be prepared and painted with three coats of yacht specific white anti slip/skid paint including companionway and cockpit as recommended in painting scheme as per boat designer paint scheme for topcoat (deck- painting of upper deck som 60 3 (1) 01 awlgrip 545 primer (color-white) - dft 50 microns (ii) 01 awl grip top coat (color-snow white)-dft 15 microns (iii) 01 awl grip top coat (color-snow white) - dft 20 microns (iv) 01 awl grip top coat (color-snow white)-dft 40 microns painting worn off. undertake surface preparation and painting of internal area carry out painting of entire internal area with three coats of yacht specific epoxy white paint as recommended by sqm 150 designer including bulkheads, deck head, engine room, steering compartment, bunks, navigation bench and hull painting worn off undertake surface preparation and
Sector: Defense