Details: scope of work:to prepare and serve breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner to trainees, guestsand visitors as per set menu agreed upon and maintain the quality of food & servicesat all times daily rate quotation:rate break upannexure-1sl. no. description rate in figure rate in words1.rate per day – pertrainees for morning tea& biscuit & breakfastto be filled up online ingem portalto be filled up online ingem portal2.rate per day-per trainees forlunchto be filled up online ingem portalto be filled up online ingem portal3.rate per day-per trainees forevening tea & biscuitto be filled up online ingem portalto be filled up online ingem portal4.rate per day-per trainees fordinnerto be filled up online ingem portalto be filled up online ingem portal5. total cost
Sector: Livestock