Details: repairing of the front right and left wheel hub assly of bh50m-1 dumper of kuya ocp, bastacolla area ix. repairing of the front right and left wheel hub assly of bh50m-1 dumper of kuya ocp, bastacolla area ix.• dismantlng and cleaning of wheel hunb assembly.• metral filling in the worn-out coller portion of hub assly where the spindle seal and spacer locks by welding of machine cast iron electode • metal filling on one of the coller where the outer face of the tapper roller bearing seat s with machinable cast iron electode • machining of the new welded coller of the wheel hub assembly as per original shape and size • press fiting of the bearing 02 nos and 01 no. each of the spacer and seal in the machined wheel hub assembly note:- materials required for the job as per scope of work will be provided by the bidder. total impact of gst for the purpose of ctc
Sector: Mining