Details: repairing of the 3.3kv, 400 amps, prabhu make vcb amps & voltmeter digital type 4" sq. selector switch for amps & voltmeter 16a big supply el relay with cbct 0.750a (electronic) installation of el relay auxulary contactor 110v ac led type indicator (resistance fitted) 110v, 5w shuntrip with planger fuse grip with hre busbar part epoxy bushing busbar incoming- outgoing epoxy moulded bushing. copper patti 3/8"x1/1/2" for conaction and incoming outgoing connect. 16 way auxulary couple unit. vcb fixed contacts selver tip. moving contacts silver tip. on-off mechanism part changing, dog, cacher, liver, sprig, spindle and other parts etc. cost of labour charge. are- chut for fixed & moving contacts. tne switch no + ne (for indicator) wiring wire, pvc type, cre oil, nuts, bolts, washer etc.
Sector: Mining