Details: supplying…..a rated 3 phase with neutral bus bar using required capacity electroytic aluminium strips 600 a 4 x 75 x 10mm fabrication, , connection of aluminium from transformer to bus bar and also making of bus bar and to be mounted in wall with the help of angle channel post insulator proper nut bolt to make a grade of 600a having 0.8 per sqrmm for proper connection of cable from the bus bar supply of post insulator supplying of ht nut bolt cutting fabrication of angle for bus bar making 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand (zone-iii) derived from natural sources : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) for mounting of bus bar in the wall supply and fixing of glass/mica isulating tap making of hole in the bus bar and in the for proper connection of cable in the bus bar laying and fixing of one number pvc insulated and pvc sheathed / xlpe power cable of 1.1kv grade of following size on wall surface as required above 95 and upto 185 su
Sector: Mining