Description: E Procurement Notice for the Supply of Shearing Machine and clipper Shearing spares Accessories for Shearing machine Name of Work E Procurement Notice for the Supply of Shearing Machine clipper Shearing spares Accessories for Shearing machine
Details: Complete Shearing machine. Complete Shearing machine.• Single phase air cooled motor 220-240V, AC, 50Hz, Power – 280W to 700W• Motor should be compatible with QR or flexible drive and additionally provided with an in-built safety switch.• Motor weight: 10kg (+/-10%)• Motor should have 3 optional rotary speeds ranging from 2700 rpm to 3600 RPM• In built electronic safety motor• Flexible drive or Solid Drive with QR technology of minimum length 1m with either PIN or SPLINE attachment with motor compatible with the motor and hand piece.• Triple bearing hand piece easy grip with adequate internal oil lubrication points with low profile racing fork and prongs to reduce drag.• Hand piece should be compatible with medium and wide combs and cutters.• With pin or spline ending (worm drive) depending upon the type of the drive used• Noise emissions (LpAm): 70dB (A)• Working Height: Hang set so that end of the drive is 25mm