Details: QR FOR MEDIUM DISRUPTOR REMARKS1) Medium-weight explosively-driven water disruptor to be used againstmedium-sized Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) or high-densitymaterials such as gas cylinders.2) A single charge must be able to disrupt up to the size of a 40 gallondrum size IED.3) When loaded the charge must not weigh more than 4kg.4) Each module must consists of two containers: a tamper and aprojectile which are fitted together sandwiching the explosive charge.5) Explosive EffectCharge must produce a blade-like jet of water which is capable ofstriking and destroying the initiation system of a target even if theexact location of the initiation system is not known.6) Charge is effective at removing the concrete cladding from suspectedroadside IEDs at a stand-off. It must also be capable of disruptingIEDs in metal cases and penetrating a vehicle door to attack an IED.7) Charge can also be used in breaching to inject an irritant such as CSor pepper, so the one charge can both breach a
Sector: Defense