susp blotosil timpol,bolus ceflox tz norflox tz,bo - 109469815
The Indian army has published a tender for "susp blotosil timpol,bolus ceflox tz norflox tz,bolus cenrogy,bolus svifta,bolus diarex vet,bolus liv fifty two,bolus anorexon forte bioboost bovirum,hb strong himalayan batisa,caps prajana hs,susp albomar,bolus fentas,bolus panacur,bolus hexanide,bolus nilzan,bolus fasinex,bolus sulphasimidine,Butox Bolus Hightek,Oint Lorexane,Oint Himax,Oint Soframicin Gentamicin,Potessium Permanganate,Povidone iodine,Cotton,Bandage,Pulv Agrimin forte,Pulv Fertimin,Vimeral,Trucal one Kg,Tab albendangole one gm,Levamemeb N one LTR,Doracid ten ML,Herbal Wounding Spray,Mastitis Spray Herbal,Anti Tick Spray Herbal,Permethrin 5percentage Soap,Povidone Iodine Solution IP percentage wv,Milk Enhancer with Calcium Phosphorus Vit Dthree B twelve Liquid Calcium fiveltr,Mastitis powder,Uterine Tonic,Energy Booster,Malt Based Vitamin Iron Copper and Calcium Supplement For Livestock,Digestive Powder Balaced Animal Feed Supplement ENZYME POWDER,Vit B Cmplex Inj,Inj Vitamin B one IP hundred mg Vitamin B six IP hundred mg Vitamin B twelve,B" on the 05 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Veterinary miscellaneous drugs category. This tender is published in Pathankot, Punjab location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Veterinary miscellaneous drugs tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Veterinary miscellaneous drugs tender analytics
Indian army published 19 tenders for "veterinary miscellaneous drugs" from October 2019 until October 2020.
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