Details: qua aurance plan for propellant sd-122 for 155 mm eres (bb) mia4 (br-155 mm)decument no qap bh-155 mm/of1/2ref duc no. suae(me)/it/qap/bbu/05, dt. 05.09.2009iii. other ingredients5.nocarbon black coarse (heavy) as per following requirement:source: trade/manufacturertest certificate: from oem01ash(% max)02sieve analysischaracteristicsretain at 120 bss sieve (max)03volatile matter (% max)04ph (water extract)05sulpher conteni (% max)06lodine adsorption (mg/g)07bulk density (g/ml)version 2dute of issue feb-21023passing standard0.75102.57.5 to 8.51.079 to 850.30 to 0.40(ii) carbon black fine (light) as per following trade/manufacturertest certificate: from oem01ash(% max)02.steve analysischaracteristicsretain at 240 bss sieve (% max)03volatile matter (% max)04ph (water extract)05sulpher content (% max)06lodine adsorption (mg/g)07bulk density (g/ml)passing standard0.75102.57.5 to 8.51.079 to 850.05 to 0.10
Sector: Defense