Details: supplying installation testing & commissioning of intelligent addressable 4 loop fire alarm control panel is able to connect 250 devices (detector or module) per loop in any combination with 20 % spare address for detectors in line qvga lcd display complete with inbuilt additional seven customized programmable function switch for direct activation of any device of control along with three programmable led's indication along with 9a power supply inbuilt min.three nitification appliance circuit with sufficient power supply to drive sounder strobe unit along with in built 50 ah ul listed battery charger along with require smf batteries for 24 hours in normal condition. make : mircom, honeywell, notifier, siemens, apollo, schneider, advance, bosch, eaton, bentec, agni suraksha. supplying installation testing & commissioning intelligent addressable 2 loop fire alarm control panel is able jto connect 250 devices (detector or module ) per loop in any combination with 20% spare address for d
Sector: Buildings