JAN1N4245 ALT JANIN4245 ALT 1N4245JAN,252-8555-000 - 111647718
The Department of Defence Production has published a tender for "JAN1N4245 ALT JANIN4245 ALT 1N4245JAN,252-8555-000 ALT DOLN1092-8555,M83723-82K1404N ALT 983-0SE-14-04SN ALT M83723-82K14-04N,D38999-26FD5SN,M85049-60-2G10A,M39012-18-0102,M39029-85-455,M85049-38-13W ALT M85049-38-S-13W,M85049-38S17N,M85049-52-1-14N ALT M85049-52-1-14A,R143092700 ALT M39012-30-0101,RER65F1000M ALT RH10-100OHM10W,RH50-21 ALT20OHM ALT50W ALT 1PCT ALT RH05020R00F ALT RH5020R00FS03,D38999-26MB5SN,MS3126F22-55S ALT MS3126F2255S,MT-3000-002 ALT MT-3000-003,D38999-26WF18SN,M85049-38-17SN,M85049-38S19W,M85049-38S25W,M85049-38S13N ALT 8D-103-F-02,MS24660-21A" on the 06 Dec 2024. This tender belongs to Electronic Components category. This tender is published in Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Electronic Components tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Electronic Components tender analytics
Department of Defence Production published 204 tenders for "electronic components" from November 2022 until November 2023.
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