Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,T - 110350736
The Department of Defence has published a tender for "Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,Title8,Title9,Title10,Title11,Title12,Title13,Title14,Title15,Title16,Title17,Title18,Title19,Title20,Title21,Title22,Title23,Title24,Title25,Title26,Title27,Title28,Title29,Title30,Title31,Title32,Title33" on the 19 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Stationery category. This tender is published in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Stationery tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Stationery tender analytics
Department of Defence published 754 tenders for "stationery" from October 2023 until October 2024.
To get access to Defense tender
Tender Details
Details: paperream (a4size) 750gsmpaper ream (a4size) 750 gsm88 pkt2legalpaper750 gsmlegal paper 750gsm40 pkt3highlighter (set of05)highlighter (setof 05)2 pkt4 pencilhb (packof 10)pencil hb (packof 10)5 pkt5eraser(pack of10)eraser (pack of10)2 pkt6ball penpentonic(pack of50)0.7mmball penpentonic(pack of50) 0.7mm4 pkt7 correction pencorrection pen 5 nos8pilot penblue (v7)pilot pen blue(v7)15 nos9pilot penred (v7)pilot pen red(v7)5 nos10 plasticscaleplastic scale 10 nos11steplerpin (m10)stepler pin(m10)10 pkt12stepler10 nostepler 10 no 5 nos13 drawingpin pacof 50drawing pin pacof 5010 pkt14fevi stick180gmfevi stick 180gm 5 nos15gumbottle(500ml)gum bottle(500ml)2 nos16 colorflag tagcolor flag tag 5 pkt17file cover file cover 150 nos18file coverwhitefile cover white 80 nos19 note pad note pad 5 nos20dakfolderdak folder 5 nos21browntap (3"wide)brown tap (3"wide)2 nos22 cello tap(3" wide)cello tap (3"wide)2 nos23papercutterpaper cutter 3 nos24tagguchitag guchi 3 pkt25 stamppadstamp pad 3 nos26 pocke
Sector: Defense