Details: nd test and stabilitytest of 08nos.cat60dumpers (,490,491,651,653,1180, 1181,1191), 14nos.bh60dumpers(,60600,60703,60705,60706,60708,60733,60834,60837, 60967, 60969, 60971,60970, 90968 and 03 nos. watersprinklers 28074, 28063, 28239)running at ukni deep ocm. bynabl certified agency..25 jobsukni deepoc. mine, 3,73,501 4,66945 days fromissuance ofwork order orhandover ofthe jobwhichever islater02carrying out ndt andstability testthroughnabl certified agency for05 nos. be1000 hyd. excavatorssl. no. 10141, 10152, 10200,10156, 10155 and 02 nos. be30016126.6 jobs ukni deepoc. mine, 1,62,557 203203carrying out ndt andstability testof 07 nos. d155 dozers sl. no.13394, 13646, 13654, 13676,13694, 13698, 13778 of uknideep ocm through nablcertified agency.7 jobs ukni deepoc. mine, 1,76,186.00 220204carrying out ndt and stability testof 06 nos. drills sl. no. 6021010,6021409, 6021611, 201906929,201906939, 202106968 of uknideep ocm through nablcertified agency
Sector: Mining