Lancer set 2 Base and 6 Lancer,Lancer Flag 30 cm x - 108093580
The Indian army has published a tender for "Lancer set 2 Base and 6 Lancer,Lancer Flag 30 cm x 45 cm x 21 cm,T- Flag Pair 30 cm x 33 cm x 20 cm,Indian Army Flag 6 ft x 4 ft,National Flag 6 ft x 4 ft,ASC Flag 6 ft x 4 ft,Centre and College Flag 6 ft x 4 ft,Bn Flag 3.5 ft x 3 ft,Red flag for firing range 3 ft x 3 ft,Red flag for firing range 4 ft x 4 ft,Lama Flag with size 12 ft x 2.5 ft,Convoy flag 2 ft x 2 ft,Veh Flag COAS,Veh Flag Vice Chief of Army Staff,Veh Flag College Comdt,Veh Flag DCCI,Veh Flag 1 ATC Comdt,Veh Flag GOC-in-C, ARTRAC,Veh Flag Blank Lt Gen,Veh Flag Blank Maj Gen,Veh Flag Blank Brig,Veh Flag GOC, HQ DB Area,Veh Flag GOC-in-C, HQ SC,Veh Flag MG ASC, HQ SC,Veh Flag Brig ASC, HQ SC" on the 15 Oct 2024. This tender belongs to Flags or accessories category. This tender is published in Bangalore, Karnataka location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Flags or accessories tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Flags or accessories tender analytics
Indian army published 132 tenders for "flags or accessories" from November 2020 until November 2021.
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