Details: SCOPE OF WORKNPS in GAIL:National Pension System (NPS) is a Government of India promoted, Defined ContributionLow Cost Pension Scheme, Regulated by Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority(PFRDA) under the Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority Act, 2013. NPS ismanaged by NPS Board of Trustees under PFRDA Act, 2013. GAIL implemented NPSscheme as a part of Superannuation Benefit Scheme w.e.f. 01.04.2018.1. Requirement: GAIL is in the process of providing option to all its employees toinvest in NPS in addition to the existing Superannuation Benefit Fund. As on dateout of around 4800 regular employees, around 2700 regular employees have alreadyenrolled in NPS. The average monthly employer & employees’ contribution towardsNPS is Rs. 500 Lakhs (approx.). It is estimated that around 300 regular employeesare going to superannuate in next 02 years and some of them may transfer theirentire Superannuation Benefit Fund (SBF) accumulation to NPS.2. Scope of Work / Services:i. Processin
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