Details: name of work: - misc. minor capital works financial year 2024-25. sh-providing and fixing concertina coil on existing fencing and allied works at cooch behar airport. providing and fixing concertina coil fencing with punched tape concertina coil 600mm dia 10 metre openable length ( total length 90 m), having 50nos rounds per 6metre length, upto 3 m height of wall with existing angle iron ‘y’ shaped placed 2.4mor 3.00 m apart and with 9 horizontal r.b.t. reinforced barbed wire, stud tied withg.i. staples and g.i. clips to retain horizontal, including necessary bolts or g.i. barbedwire tied to angle iron ,all complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge, withreinforced barbed tape(r.b.t.) / spring core (2.5 mm thick) wire of high tensilestrength of165 kg/ sq. mm with tape (0.52 mm thick) and weight 43.478 gm/ metre(cost of m.s. angle, c.c. blocks shall be paid separately).mtr. 1200.002 structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and
Sector: Airport