The Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has published a tender for "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), a Public Sector Oil Company, invites digitally signed etenders under Two Bid system from Persons, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Firms registered with the Registrar of Firms, Registered Cooperative Society, Companies registered under Companies Act, 1956 for award of contact for transportation of packed LPG cylinders by road Ex HPCL Chhindwara Private Bottler (MALHOTRA PVT BOTTLING PLANT) in state MP, which will be valid till 17.10.2026. The prebid meeting will be conducted through virtual meeting, details of zoom link is given in the tender. This is a supplementary tender and is coterminous with the original current tender 21000081-HD-10157.A price bid based on L1 rates has been provided in tender document. Tenderers are required to quote only at L1 rates. Regarding EMD, Tenderers registered as Micro and Small Enterprises are exempted from EMD for Trucks offered. Exemption document shall be uploaded in the EMD section of the tender failing which the unprice bid of the bidder shall not be opened and the bidder shall be rejected on the basis of not submitting the EMD. Only Udyam registration certificate shall be accepted as valid MSE certificate for exemption of EMD for micro and small enterprises. The bidders who are seeking EMD exemption to mandatorily submit Bid Declaration to be given by Bidders seeking exemption from EMD payment along with their bids as per Attachment15.The bidders who are not seeking EMD exemption may submit Bid Declaration given in Attachment15 as Not applicable NA." on the 20 Jan 2025. This tender belongs to Petroleum Products Transport category. This tender is published in Thane, Maharashtra location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Petroleum Products Transport tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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