M3130710001,M3130710004,M3130710007,M3130710011,M3 - 104382960
The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has published a tender for "M3130710001,M3130710004,M3130710007,M3130710011,M3130710012,M3130710013,M3130710014,M3130710015,M3130710016,M3130710017,M3130710018,M3130710019,M3130660002,M3130660003,M3130660004,M3130660005,M3130660009,M3130660012,M3130660013,M3130660015,M3130660016,M3130660017,M3130660018,M3130660019,M3129730001,M3129160001,M3129050001" on the 09 Sep 2024. This tender belongs to Hardware category. This tender is published in Sangareddi, Telangana location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Hardware tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Tender Details
Description: Total Quantity 91 Item Category M3130660002 M3130660003 M3130660004 BOQ Title HP LP Pumps Spares M3130710001 SDC150 200 BEARING CAP M3130710004 SDC150 200 IMPELLER M3130710007 SDC150 200 STUFFING BOX M3130710011 SDC150 200 DISTANCE PIECE M3130710012 SDC150 200 WATER THROWER M3130710013 SDC150 200 MAIN BEARING CAP M3130710014 SDC150 200 WEAR RING M3130710015 SDC150 200 LANTERN RING M3130710016 SDC150 200 SHAFT M3130710017 SDC150 200 SHAFT SLEEVE M3130710018 SDC150 200 GLAND FOLLOWER M3130710019 SDC150 200 BEARING HOUSING M3130660002 SDB150 200 STUFFING BOX M3130660003 SDB150 200 MAIN BEARING CAP M3130660004 SDB150 200 WATER THROWER M3130660005 SDB150 200 DISTANCE PIECE M3130660009 SDB150 200 BEARING CAP M3130660012 SDB150 200 BEARING HOUSING M3130660013 SDB150 200 IMPELLER M3130660015 SDB150 200 WEAR RING M3130660016 SDB150 200 LANTERN RING M3130660017 SDB150 200 SHAFT M3130660018 SDB150 200 SHAFT SLEEVE M3130660019 SDB150 200 GLAND FOLLOWER M3129730001 2DM6 IMPELLER M3129160001 2 1 2DM7 IMPELLER M3129050001 1 1 2 DMBLD IMPELLER
Sector: Generation