Description: Procurement, installation and maintenance of AWS
Details: PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION,MAITENANCE OF TWO AUTOMATEDWEATHERED STATIONS (a)Automated Rainfall Stations(ARG) Equipment set necessaryhardware as per technicalspecifications2 NosAs per listofInstallationsites forAWSsystem2 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract3 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract1(b)Air Temperature & RelativeHumidity sensor, cable withRadiation shield, Equipment setnecessary hardware as pertechnical specifications2 NosAs per listofInstallationsites forAWSsystem2 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract3 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract1(c)Wind speed & wind directionsensor and cable set necessaryhardware as per technicalspecifications2 NosAs per listofInstallationsites forAWSsystem2 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract3 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract1(d)Atmospheric Pressure sensor andcable set necessary hardware asper technical specifications2 NosAs per listofInstallationsites forAWSsystem2 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract3 monthsfrom dateof signingof contract1(e
Sector: Ground Water Dept