Details: road works 4.11.2 granular sub-base/base/surface course with local materials (table 400.13) by mix inplace method normal. construction of granular sub-base by providing local materialspreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix inplace method with rotavator at once and compacting with smooth wheel roller toachieve the desired density complete as per clause 401.4 as per technicalspecification clause 408. (ii) using gravel mix soil. 75.8.1providing plain cement concrete for road work cc 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 fine aggregate:4course aggregate) laid to required and camber in panels (@ 3 m c/c) asrequiredincluding compaction, finishing and tamping etc .complete. max. size ofcourseaggregate not exceeding 25mm , mixed in concrete mixer etc complete asperspecification(i) nominal mix (1:2:4) 3.5.2excavation in soil with doz
Sector: Power Sector