Details: plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two m sand and four hard broken stone jelly) using 20mm jelly for wearing coat including laying, compacting, finishing and curing, etc., complete as per standard specificatins and as directed by the departmental officers. supply installation testing and commissioning 1 unit of no waste scientific increator capacity 2mt/day with height 16mt from ground and 1.primary combustion chamber. 2.secondary combustion chamber. 3.air pollution control unit – wet scrubber. 4.emission slake 5.supporting tower. 6.water pump & accessories supply and delivery fixing and commissioning of rotary type compost mechanical shreding machine and suitable conveyor 14m inclined length 3 hp motor- 3 phase, drum -1.5m dia, product capacity 250kg/ hours, including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and labour charge etc.
Sector: Municipality