Description: Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement works of Avalanche Dam Kundah Generation Circle, The Nilgiris District, Tamil Nadu under the World Bank funded DRIP (Phase II and III).--Name of Work: TANGEDCO - DAM REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT WORKS FOR AVALANCHE DAM IN KUNDAH GENERATION CIRCLE, NILGIRI DISTRICT UNDER WORLD BANK FUNDED DRIP PHASE ( II AND III) .
Details: Clearing Juliflora jungle with uprooting and disposing of the same as directed by the Engineer in charge of the works as per technical specification. Removal of loose boulders in the down stream side of stilling basin , earth work excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10 m & initial lift of 2 m in loose boulders in excavation in various size 150 mm to 625 mm etc., complete,as per the direction of the Engineer and complying with standard specifications. Earth work excavation in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shale, murram gravel, stoney earth & earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soil and depositing the earth in the places shown by the Engineer with initial lead of 10 M and initial lift of 2 m etc., complete, complying with standard specifications. Filling with M sand in basement including cost of all materials lead, lifts etc., complete. Providing and placing in position Plain Cement Concrete1:3:6 (one cement, three sand,
Sector: Power Sector