Details: earth work narrow excavation for in ordinary soil with initial lead and lift etc., complete.- supplying and filling with m.sand in layers of 15cm thick including watering and ramming to consolidation etc., complete. plain cement concrete 1:5:10 ( one cement, five m.sand & ten 40mm metal) mix using 40mm iss gauge hbbg metal including cost of all materials at site and all labour charges etc., complete. providing steel centering and shuttering out necessary strutting arrangements for sides and soffits etc., complete with out strutting-drain with strutting plain cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using 20mm size iss gauge hbbg metal including mixing, laying, consolidating, curing, cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete as per standard specification plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mix ,12mm tk. etc., complete. supplying cutting, bending & tying in position of ms / rts grills for rcc works including cost of steel & binding wire etc., complete.
Sector: Municipality