Details: earth work open excavation for foundation in ordinary soil with initial lead and lift etc., complete as per standard specification (narrow excavation) supply, collection and filling of coarse gravel including cost of conveyance from approved quarry to site and stacking to the departmental metric gauge for taking pre-measurement to departmental officers etc., complete supplying and filling with m.sand in layers including watering and ramming to consolidation etc., complete plain cement concrete 1:5:10 (one cement, four m.sand and eight aggregates) mix using 40mm iss gauge hbbg metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges for mixing, laying, complacting and curing etc., complete as per standard specification providing steel centering and shttering for stage wall pcc / rcc work following strutting arrangements for the side and soffits etc., complete a) without strutting b) curved surface c) with strutting plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two m.sand an
Sector: Municipality