Details: charges for clearing the spillage coal on walkway return side under belt to the entire length of the conveyor, deck sheet, head end and tail end of the conveyor-19,45,47, 62(paddle feeder),bfd-8 & rbfd-11 including hire charges for t&ps, etc., complete. charges for assisting work for providing belt joint in conveyors-19,45,47,62 (paddle feeder) and bfd-8 including arresting the belt by providing clamps, lifting the counter weight, dismantling the idlers and idler frames and skirt board assembly & refixing the same after vulcanizing the joint including t&p hire charges and cost of consumables etc., complete. charges for assisting work for pulley lagging works in conveyors-19,45,47,62 (paddle feeder) and bfd-8 including arresting the conveyor belt, lifting the counterweight and normalizing the system after pulley lagging, trial operation including t&p hire charges and cost of consumables etc., complete. charges for overhauling and inspection of pulley bearing and replacement
Sector: Power Sector