Details: earthwork excavating and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10 metres and lift of 2 metres in all kinds of soil except medium rock, dense medium rock and hard rock requiring blasting including refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth in layers of 15 cm thick, watering and consolidation and depositing the surplus earth with in the compound in places as shown by the departmental officers with initial lead and lift, cleaning, leveling the site etc., complete complying with standard specifications laying plain cement concrete 1:4:8 ( one cement four sand and eight aggregate ) using 40 mm iss hard broken granite stone jelly for foundation and basement including watering if found necessary and laid in layers of 15 cm thick, and consolidated including curing, cost and conveyance of all metarials to work site, all labour and incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard specifications providing steel centering for sides and soffits including supports and struttin
Sector: Municipality