Details: maintenance of water supply leak arresting work labour for cutting open road for layingwater mains or sewerbt road labour for cutting open road for layingwater mains or sewercc road (earth work excavation for laying pipeline work) earth work excavation and depositing on bank with initial lead of 10m and initial lift of 2m in hard stiff clay stiff black cotton hard red earth shales murram gravel stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders. for pipeline work etc.complete as per standard specification. refilling the foundation with excavated soil (other than sand )in layers of not more than 15cm thick,watering,well ramming,consolidating,complying with standard specification and as directed 90mm pvc pipe 110mm pvc pipe 140mm pvc pipe 80mm cid joint set 100mm cid joint set 125mm cid joint set 90x20mm saddle piece 110x20mm saddle piece 80x20mm ci saddle piece 100x20mm ci saddle piece 125x20mm ci saddle piece 80mm sluice value 100mm sluice value 90mm pvc coupler 110mm pvc coupler
Sector: Municipality