Details: 1 supply and safe delivery of a set of five ready-to-use stabilized formazinprimary calibration standard solutions kits, which include sealed vials ofeach: <0.1 ntu, 20 ntu, 200 ntu, 1000 ntu, and 4000 ntu for usewith the hach 2100n turbidimeter. the supplier shall submit thecertificate of compliance along with the supplied primary calibrationstandard solutions kit that is traceable to the stock primary standardformazin suspension as specified in standard methods, section 2130 b,part 3b and shall have the tolerance limits as for 20 ntu +/- 1.0 ntu, 200ntu +/- 10 ntu, and 4000 ntu +/- 200 ntu. the supplied primarycalibration standard solutions kit shall be checked for quality by thebhavini chemistry control laboratory and the laboratory results willserve as the only basis for accepting the item.
Sector: Research center