Description: LABORATORY MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Name of Work Laboratory Machinery and Equipment
Details: Lynx Binocular Microscope (LM521710) Magnification 40x - 1000x Viewing Head - Sling type binocular head with 45° inclined and 360° rotation Nose piece-quadruple eye piece -quadruple eye piece -Wf 10 x /18mm achromatic objective DIN 4x, 10x ,40x, 100x (Oil) focussing range - Coaxial 13 mm fine divisions 0.002 mm with tension control and locking mechanical stage 140mm x 140mm morning range 60x30mm condenser abbe type with iris diaphagm filter illumination -LED Micropipettes with tips Thermo Scientific finpipette F2, (or equivalent) variable volume single channel. Cat No. 4642100; Range : 0.5 -5ml, Increment : 0.01ml, Accuracy : ±2.0 to 0.5%, Precision : 0.8 to 0.2% • Thermo scientific finntip 5ML ; 0.5-5 mL, 14.7 cm, Green Cat No. 9402030, [1 pkt of 500 Nos] Microscopes • Binoclular high power Compound Microscope for university and laboratory use.• Good optical clarity• Objective lenses: DIN 4x, 10x, 40xR ; Eyepieces: Widefield 10x eyepiece with 18mm field of view.• Total Magnificat
Sector: Medical Education