Description: Please refer to tender document Name of Work Machinery and equipment
Details: Machinery & equipments Infant ALS Training Infant CPR Training Mannequin Head and Neck Trauma Training Mannequins Phlebotomy trainer arm for IV Canulation and IV Drug Administration Pericardiocentesis and Chest Tube Drainage Mannequin Tension Pneumothorax Decompression and Chest Tube Insertion ULTRAOUND COLOR DOPPLER SYSTEM Bi-Phasic Defibrillator Head Trauma Manikin Syringe Infusion Pump Phlebotomy Trainer Arm / Peripheral IV line trainer Paediatric Phlebotomy Trainer Arm/ Peripheral IV linetrainer Adult Intraosseous Trainer Infant Intraosseous Trainer Central IV Manikin with Internal Jugular, Subclavian and Femoral access Flexible Spine Model Cervical Spine Anatomic Model AED Trainer with simulator Monitor Defibrillator capable of defibrillation/synchronized cardioversion Airway Foreign body Trainer ADULT CPR TRAINING (HALF TORSO) MANNEQUIN WITH CARDIACFEEDBACK ECG Simulator with rhythm generator (DART)
Sector: Medical Education