Details: a-road work brick solingii) flat brick solingproviding and laying flat brick soling layer on prepared subgrade according to lines, grades and cross-section shown on the drawing, filling joints with earth, free from clay with a plasticity index not exceeding 6, watering and rolling the same with three wheeled road roller 80-100 kn as per mord technical specification clause 412. maintenance of bituminous surface road using jhama brick aggregaterepair to holes by removal of failed material, trimming the sides to vertical and levelling the bottom, cleaning the same with compressed air or any appropriate method, filled with b.m (using jhama brick aggregate and bitumen of vg-30), after applying prime coat at the bottom and tack coat on sides and on bottom (using bitumen emulsion) and compacting, trimming & finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all as per mord technical specification clauses 1900, 502, 503 and 504. water boun
Sector: Buildings