Details: excavation in soil using hydraulic excavator ck 90 and tippers with disposal upto 1000 metres.excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross-sections and transporting to the embankment location with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m as per mort&h technical specification clauses of section 300. compacting original ground (i) compacting original ground supporting subgrade loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of tables 300.2 for subgrade construction as per mort&h technical specification clauses of section 300 granular sub-base with well graded material (table 400.1) using jhama brick aggregate by mix in place methodconstruction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material (jhama brick aggregate, grading-i,as per table 40
Sector: Buildings