Details: flat brick soling providing and laying flat brick soling layer on prepared subgrade according to lines, grades and cross-section shown on the drawing, filling joints with earth, free from clay with a plasticity index not exceeding 6, watering and rolling the same with three wheeled road roller 80-100 kn as per mord technical specification clause 412. brick edging laid length wiseproviding and laying brick edging laid lengthwise on prepared subgrade according to lines, grades and cross-section shown on the drawing, filling joints with earth, free from clay with a plasticity index not exceeding 6, watering and rolling the same with three wheeled road roller 80-100 kn as per mord technical specification clause 412. wbm grading-3 providing, laying, spreading and compacting 53 mm to 0.075 mm jhama brick aggregates to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing rolling with three wheel roller 80-100 kn in stages to proper gra
Sector: Buildings