Description: atch metalling Patch carpeting seal coat surface drain Name of Work OR of Flood Damaged road from Ratanpur to Nabin Thakur Para under PWD R B Ratanpur VC under Padmabil Block 24 Ramchandraghat constituency during the year 2024 2025 SH Patch metalling Patch carpeting seal coat surface drain
Details: A-Road Work Maintenance of Earthen shoulder (Stripping of excess soil)Stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level and compacting with plate compactor at OMC as per drawing and MoRD technical specification Clause 1903. Surface DrainsConstruction of unlined surface drains of average crosssectional area 0.40 sqm in ordinary soil to specified lines, grades, levels and dimensions. Excavated material to be used in embankment with a lift upto 3 m and lead of 50 m (average lead 25 m) as per MoRD Technical Specification Clause 307.(i) Surface Drains in Ordinary Soil(A) Manual Means Maintenance of bituminous surface road using Jhama brick aggregateRepair to holes by removal of failed material, trimming the sides to vertical and levelling the bottom, cleaning the same with compressed air or any appropriate method, filled with B.M (using jhama brick aggregate and bitumen of VG-30), after applying prime coat at the bottom and tack coat on sides and on bottom (usi
Sector: Buildings