Description: Urgent Maintenance of Road from Near Ramkrishna Para to Bodhjung Nagar pipe Company during the year 2024 25 SH Patch Grouting WBM III Carpeting seal coat etc from ch 0 00 to 1 20 km Name of Work Urgent Maintenance of Road from Near Ramkrishna Para to Bodhjung Nagar pipe Company during the year 2024 25 SH Patch Grouting WBM III Carpeting seal coat etc from ch 0 00 to 1 20 km
Details: Patch repairing/ Maintenance of bituminous surface road using 500 Jhama brick aggregate & Viscosity Graded bitumen (VG-30) Repairing -holes and making up small depressions with ramming or power rolling after removal/ disposal of disintegrated materials within a lead of 50 m, cutting holes to regular shapes with vertical edges and levelling the bottom, cleaning the same with compressed air or any other appropriate method including screening, cleaning of aggregates; and filling up withwith jhama chips using bitumen of VG-30 @ 54 kg per m3 of loose volume of jhama brick chips, after applying tack coat of bitumen on sides and bottom @ 0.75 kg/ sqm and finishing the top of repaired surface levelled with adjoining area in proper grade and camber including spreading of sand @ 0.006 / sqm of prepared road surface as per direction of the Engineer-in- Charge and all as per MoRD technical specification Clauses 1900, 502, 503 and 504. WBM grading - 3.
Sector: Buildings