Details: maintenance of earthen shoulder (stripping of excess soil):stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface to achieve the approved level and compacting with plate compactor at omc as per drawing and mord technical specification clause 1903. patch repairing/ maintenance of bituminous surface road using jhama brick aggregate & viscosity graded bitumen (vg-30):repairing -holes and making up small depressions with ramming or power rolling after removal/ disposal of disintegrated materials within a lead of 50 m, cutting holes to regular shapes with vertical edges and levelling the bottom, cleaning the same with compressed air or any other appropriate method including screening, cleaning of aggregates; and filling up with with jhama chips using bitumen of vg-30 @ 54 kg per m3 of loose volume of jhama brick chips, after applying tack coat of bitumen on sides and bottom @ 0.75 kg/ sqm and finishing the top of repaired surface levelled with adjoining area in proper grade and camber including
Sector: Buildings