Details: Supplying, fitting and installation offiFoot Ball with various FRp sculpture height 2 ft (as perapproval of engineer in charge)and the base will be withbrick and CC of size 3 ft x 3 ft x 2 ft andDust Free Colorwith all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete1 SET2. Supplying fittittg and installation offiFoot Ball with various FRp sculpture height 3 ft(as perapproval of engineer in charge)and the base will be withbrick and CC of size 4 ftx 4 ft x 1 ft and Dust Free Colorwith all cost of labour and materials, all etc. complete1 SET3.Supplying, fitting and installation ofFRP GIANT HAND 20 FT FIEIGHTand the Foundation will be with brickand CC of required size and Dust FreeColor with all cost of labour andmaterials, all etc. complete1 SET4.Supplying, fitting andinstallation of FRP 20 FTHEIGHT TREE WITHREAL LIFE SIZE TIGERON BRANCH and thefoundation will be with brickand CC of required size andDust Free Color with all cost oflabour and materials. all etc.complete1 SET5.]. SET6.1 SET
Sector: Municipality