Details: supplying all labour, t& p for earthwork in excavation of foundation in ordinary soil incl rough dressing and levelling the bed, depositing the soil within 50mtr. filling in foundation and plinth with sand well watered,rammed etc including all cost conveyance roalty ,labour and t&p etc. complete as directed by the engineer - in charge. cement concrete (1:3:6) using: 4cm size hard granite hand broken metal with all cost conveyance,royalty,taxes etc all complete. cement concrete (1:2:4) with 12mm hard granite chips(crusher broken) with all cost conveyance,royalty,taxes etc all complete. r.c.c. work with m-20 using 20 mm & down grade hgcb stone chips incluiding hoisting, laying,curing etc. complete but excluiding cost of steel reinforcement. supplying , fitting , fixing & placing uncoating bar reinforcement complete as per drawing & technical specification complete. rigid and smooth centring,shuttering for rcc works including false work and dismantling them after casting including cost
Sector: Municipality