Description: Construction of 120 Seated ST Boys Hostel At Mangobinda High School Gothanida Under Bangriposi Block Name of Work Construction of 120 Seated ST Boys Hostel At Mangobinda High School Gothanida Under Bangriposi Block
Details: HOSTEL BUILDING - Earth work in excavation in all Kindes of soil and depositing the excavated materials with all leads and lifts T & P shoring & Shuttering if required etc. complete as directed by the E.I.C. ALL KIND OF SOIL STONE EARTH HOSTEL BUILDING - Supplying & Filling foundation trenches , plinth & ditches with clean course river sand well watered and rammed in layers not exceeding 23 c.m. in depth with all lead and lift including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, stacking,royalties and all taxes of sand,cost & conveyance of water, cost of all Labour,labour cess,T&P required for the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer- in -charge. HOSTEL BUILDING - Back filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5m. HOSTEL BUILDING - Providing and laying P.C.C[1:3:6] using 4cm size
Sector: Social Development