Details: dragging of 25 mva transformer from the transformer pad to the low bed trailer at 132kv rowta gss (weight =50.7mt, distance =15 mtr) loading of 25 mva, 132/33 kv transformer to low bed trailer at 132kv rowta gss movement of the empty trailer from guwahati to rowta (distance= 125 km) for transportation of 25 mva, 132/33kv transformer from rowta gss to dhemaji gss transporatation of 25 mva, 132/33kv power transformer from 132kv rowta gss to 132kv dhemaji grid sub-station, aegcl (total distance=350 km & weight of tr. =50.7 mt) 1st 0-50 km 2nd 50-150 km 3rd 150-250 km 4th 250-350 km unloading of 25 mva transformer at 132kv dhemaji gss, aegcl movement of the empty trailer from dhemaji to guwahati (distance=430 km) after unloading the 25 mva transformer at dhemaji gss dragging of 25 mva transformer from the unloaded point at 132kv dhemaji gss to the existing 16 mva transformer pad for installation (weight=50.7 mt,distance=15 mtr) dragging of existing 16 mva, 132/33kv power transformer f
Sector: Distribution