Details: name of nohp cosumable itemsno.c1 rvg sensor with laptop (e2 sensor classic)ra2manual scalar set 3 amalgam carrier (metal 2.00 mm)rara4glass slab (rectangular 100 x 60 x 20 mm) 5 extraction forcep for maxilla and mandible (adult)rarai6extraction forcep for maxilla and mandible (pedodontic) rat 7 cowhorn forcep (molar/ maxillary right and left)ratdental elevator (periosteal)rate9dental elevator (straight) dental elevator (coupland's) (root)rate10ratedental elevator (apex) (right & left)rate rate12 dental elevator (cryer's) (cross bar tooth)dental elevator (warmwick james) (straight) dental elevator (millers) (alexo right)rateratelinocaine solution with adrenaline for local anasthesia ratelinocaine sprayratelinocaine gelratedycal (calcium hydroxide)rate psuture material (ethical silk 3.0 with half circle needle)20 composite curing light
Sector: Municipality